Post-Closing Requirements


Your responsibility, as a small business owner and Borrower, isn’t over just because your EIDL loan was approved. There are things you need to know about and what you need TO DO and NOT DO. We explain all of it so you can be educated with how you move forward in your business with an active Government loan in place. This will keep you aware especially since the SBA can audit anytime.

—-> Credit cards are accepted. Click on the PAYPAL button.
*****There are no payment plans and no “PAY LATER” option. 

Chapters include:

1. Introduction
2. How We Created This Guide
3. Definitions, Terms, Abbreviations
4. About our Templates
5. Templates List
6. How To Use This Blueprint
7. Why You Need This Guide
8. People, Paper, Process
9. About the SBA

  • Beware of SBA Reps
  • Special Note: El Paso Loan Servicing Center

10. Loan Information Notes
11. Your Loan Agreement
12. Collateral
13. Requirements of collateral
14. Use of loan proceeds and receipts
15. Allowable Use of Funds
16. Documenting Use of Funds
17. Prohibited Use of funds
18. Prepare For a Future SBA Audit TODAY
19. How To Obtain Your Loan Documents
20. How To Obtain your Original EIDL Application
21. Make A Payment Toward Your EIDL

  • Before MySBA: A brief history of the EIDL repayment process
  • EIDL repayment date
    • About Repayment
    • Loan Amortization
    • Deferred Payments: Accrued Interest
    • Prepayment
    • MySBA Website
    • Hardship Accommodation

22. Linked Accounts
23. Multiple EIDLs
24. About Subordination
25. A Note About Your Business Paperwork
26. Books and Records
27. Submit Annual Financial Statements
28. How To Submit Documents To SBA
29. Duty to maintain hazard insurance
30. Changes to your business
31. Examples of change
32. Email address for EIDL application
33. How To Notify SBA of changes
34. Questions and Assistance

  • Loan Servicing Centers
  • How to speak to SBA Agents
  • SBA “who-to-call” checklist
  • Identity Theft
  • Embezzlement
  • LAA Signed: Did not receive funds
  • 35. Danger of Default
  • Payment challenges
  • Pending business failure
  • Business Bankruptcy
  • Default as per the EIDL Loan Authorization and Agreement

36. How Will EIDL Impact My Credit
37. FAQs
38. Templates
39. Forms: See Forms Section in Main Blueprint Document Vault
40. Disclosures

Blueprint 2.0 NOW AVAILABLE

Your responsibility, as a small business owner and Borrower, isn’t over just because your EIDL loan was approved. There are things you need to know about and what you need TO DO and NOT DO. We explain all of it so you can be educated with how you move forward in your business with an active Government loan in place. This will keep you aware especially since the SBA can audit anytime.


—-> Credit cards are accepted. Click on the PAYPAL button.
*****There are no payment plans and no “PAY LATER” option.